There’s a myth that says it only takes 30 days to form a solid habit. There have been several studies that put that number at around 66 days to form a solid habit, with quite a large range on either side. I originally started this post as a 30-day meditation challenge and learned I was quite a few days off the mark. So, what went from a somewhat difficult task to complete, has become quite the venture. But one I know will change my life for the better.


I tend to have excuses for not having the time or energy to meditate. It’s all excuses though. There are times where I’m just watching TV, playing video games, taking breaks at work, and scrolling through TikTok. If I just set out 5 minutes a day, I could attain this.


I have set up my meditation to be on an 11-day rotation of the same meditations each set. That would be 6 rotations. I figure it would be a rotation that I could get familiar with and made to feel easy to restart. Doing this rotation 6 times would build routine for me but would seem easy to attain a lifelong practice.


Below is the type of meditation I will do each day. You can either use the videos I’ve provided or you can search for any that you like better. I will mostly likely be picking a new video each week to keep things fresh. I will check back each week to share my progress.

Week 1:

Day 1: 5 Senses Meditation

Day 2: Grounding Meditation

Day 3: Maitri Meditation

Day 4: 10 Minute Guided Meditation

Day 5: Sound Bath Meditation

Day 6: Tonglen Meditation