
You Are Not Unique

You are not unique. Never have been, never will be. And that’s ok. This may seem like a harsh and insensitive thing to say to someone but hear me out. We all have things that are unique to us, like the way we look, the way we talk, the way we carry ourselves, our personal interests, etc. However, the struggles…

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Queer Affirmations

This is the third post in a four-part series with affirmations for the different parts of my life that I use. Affirmations can be a strong and beautiful way to remind yourself of your worth. Sometimes we need to remind ourselves that we are worth the life we are living.

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Mental Health


That’s what everyone says. “Smile and you’ll feel better and be more confident.” “If you don’t smile people won’t approach you.” And much more commentary about my physical appearance. Even though they may be approaching that from a place of positivity, it makes me feel even worse about my smile. I barely smile, and even less with my teeth showing.

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Tips to Stay Clean

From time to time, it’s good to be reminded of ways we can stay clean. And to learn of other ways people stay clean. I have put together a list of the different things I implement in my life daily to make sure I’m doing the next right thing one day at a time.

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Mental Health


 I never knew what I was doing when I was growing up when I had these tics or random repetitive behaviors. I just thought something was wrong with me. I would pop my pinky finger repetitively until it hurt. I would repetitively bite my cheeks to the point of making them bleed at times. I had teachers who would see…

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