Short disclaimer here, I am a firm believer in science and medicine, and that takes priority. I use crystals as a supplement to my spiritual and health side. Because nowadays we need all we can get. You can’t deny that. I’m also a believer that if you do anything that brings joy, happiness, and health to your life and it doesn’t harm you are someone else in the process, do it and be happy.

This post is to share my hobby with you but also something to reference when I talk about this in the future.

My earliest memories with my mom were of me collecting rocks (that’s all the terminology I knew them by at the time). Every time we would go somewhere and they had one of those tourist stands that had different rocks you could collect, we would always pick up a couple. My mom also met lots of different people in her line of work and she would always ask them to get me rocks from wherever they would go. It was cool because we couldn’t afford to go lots of places. It felt fun and exotic as I lived through those rock unknown histories. I ended up with rocks from all over the world. It was my dream to one day travel the world collecting rocks.

Somewhere along the way that hobby fell to the side for more “cooler” things as I grew up. But nothing could beat that adrenaline rush I got every time I got a new rock for my collection. It brought me joy and gave me a little hobby while I was growing up. Life wasn’t easy during those years, so it was a light. I just didn’t realize how those rocks were helping me in other ways.

Fast forward to my late thirties and I’ve been researching crystals over the past few months and their uses and benefits to the body and space they take part in. A while back this interest was sparked again, and it’s taken off. I’ve noticed changes in me and my moods, my ability to handle conflict, amplification of senses, and memory just to name a few.

Put very simply, crystals have vibrations naturally from their creation and when they are around you those vibrations can affect you in almost any way. There is a science to it and everything has a vibration, including our bodies. This is where the purpose comes in. They react with each other. I couple this with my practice in Buddhism and it has become the spiritual path I have chosen. There is a lot more to it than this short breakdown, so I encourage you to also do your own research on this topic. I love it, maybe you will too.

I’ll write something more detailed about this part of me at some point, but I feel this is enough for now.

Here’s a small part of my crystal collection.

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