You might be surprised to learn that Buddhism is one of the most prominent spiritual pathways amongst celebrities. It stands around Christianity and Judaism. Some of the most famous celebrities are practicing Buddhist. From Goldie Hawn to the late David Bowie, and probably the most prominent celebrity, Richard Gere. Some supplement their Buddhist practices with other religions like George Lucas also being Methodist. That’s the great thing about Buddhism, it’s a way of life, not a religion. Therefore, can be practiced by anyone.

Some of the celebrities in this list supplement existing religious or spiritual practices with Buddhism, and some practice Buddhism exclusively. It is a great example that anyone can find refuge in Buddhism and apply its practices to their lives to achieve a better way of living. Some practice Buddhism exclusively to attain enlightenment and nirvana, and others just like to bring more positivity and calmness to their lives. The ones below are a mix of both.

Richard Gere

Arguably the most famous activist and practitioner of Buddhism in Hollywood is Richard Gere. He has done extensive work in the practice and working with the Dalia Lama for many years. He has helped many celebrities convert to Buddhism through the way he carries himself and practices. He has been an embodiment of how to stay spiritual and also maintain a large career.


Goldie Hawn

Goldie was raised in a religious family and found Buddhism later in life. She also taught her children, most notably Kate Hudson, in the way of Buddhism and they carry that practice into their adulthood. She combines her Buddhist practices with the other religious practices proving you can add Buddhist philosophy to any way of life.


David Bowie

The late Bowie routinely sought out guidance of monks to navigate through his life as a celebrity and even thought about becoming a monk himself but didn’t want to disappoint his fans. So instead of implemented the practice into his daily life and credited it with saving his life multiple times.


Kate Bosworth

Kate is another celebrity who was converted to a life in Buddhism but a fellow celebrity, and boyfriend, Orlando Bloom. She was quoted as saying, “It’s just a really incredible state of mind. It’s just a really beautiful place to try and be at.”


Tina Turner

Another one of the most famous celebrities to practice Buddhism is Tina Turner. She was also raised in a Baptist household and carries that into today with her belief of God. However she implements Buddhist practices into her everyday life. She has said the Lords prayer can be found in both practices.


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