Celebrities are humans too. I mean… some of them. But there are others who have earned their spot at the top because of what they’ve been through and how they are helping countless others with their stories of real life struggles. I know we like to put celebrities on a pedestal because they have something we wish we had in our own lives. But this list is true to that and a genuine and authentic way. I have found inspiration from each of there stories about addiction. Lots of tools in my bag after hearing them speak about their struggles and triumphs.


I have put together this list of celebrities who used to live in excess and how they who are now using their life and stories to help others attain a life in recovery. Through their ups and down, wins and losses, there is a common thread; you can fight those addictions and come out the other end alive and successful. It’s one thing to be depicted in fiction, and a whole ‘nother to be able to see it happen in real life.

Robert Downey Jr

Coming from 80’s Hollywood, Robert Downey Jr’s addiction and legal battles were well publicized. He was losing his career one more bad choice by choice. He felt he was hitting his bottom and decided to do something about it. Now living in recovery, he is one of the most successful and paid celebrities in Hollywood. It doesn’t hurt that he headlines one of the most famous franchises out there, Iron Man. He talks about his struggles as a caution to others.

Demi Lovato

On the more recent end of the Hollywood timeline, Demi has struggled through most of their life with addiction, eating disorders, and mental health. They have been extremely outspoken about the highs and lows of their life in an effort to help others who may be struggling the same. They seem to be one of the more accessible people’s story in Hollywood because of their age and also how open they are.

Drew Barrymore

Another celebrity product of the child celebrities, Drew Barrymore also has a well documented life in addiction. She first went to rehab at 13. Once she was older and realized how far off she drifted she decided to get clean and live life as an example to others that it is possible to live drug free. She is now one of the top paid female talk show hosts out there.

Danny Trejo

Out of all the people on this list, Danny Trejo has to most clean time of any other celebrity. His story is full of drug use, incarceration, and wins. Danny has been sober for over 50 years. He has used his recovery as a tool to get as far as he has in Hollywood. His range has been everything from Star Wars to Machete. He uses his experience in recovery to be an advocate of drug and alcohol abuse treatment programs.

Ben Affleck

Ben Affleck is the child of an alcoholic so his examples of life were marred by that, much like all of us. He uses his attempt at moderation drinking and additional fall as part of his cautionary tale that it just doesn’t work that way for addicts.He credits his children as his main focus for being in recovery.

Ewan McGregor

Not just did he play a drug addict in his breakout role, Trainspotting, Ewan McGregor struggled with addiction in real life as well. One of the most adaptable actor out there, Ewan credits his recovery to his family and friends. He uses his story to reach others.

Jamie Lee Curtis

Hailing from Hollywood royalty, and a queen in her own right, Jamie Lee Curtis wasn’t immune to a life in addiction. She has been in so many different pieces of art that it’s hard to pin her down to just one medium or one role. In full transparency and truth Jamie says her recovery come above all else, including her family, career, and failures. An example of how without or recovery, we have nothing else.

Bella Hadid

Gracing the cover of 35 Vogue issues, Bell Hadid was thrust into the spotlight by her famous family ties. As a supermodel that came with many substances. She also lives with mental health issues on top of it. She made the decision to go clean because it was having an obvious impact on her career, and she cherishes that role. She is now outspoken about those issues so that others can know there is hope for them too.

Bradley Cooper

Not only has Bradley Cooper portrayed multiple people who serious addiction issues, he also suffered from them im real life. Bradley hasn’t always been as open as others on this list, but when he does get candid, he uses those moments to advocate for living a life in recovery. He now as over 15 years under his belt.

Lindsay Lohan

Probably the most infamous celebrity on this list that has to do with addiction issues is Lindsay Lohan. Her life has been splashed across every tv screen and publication there is. Her substance use landed her in hot water multiple times, including several stays in jail. Now in recovery since 2014, Lindsay users her popular podcast to have candid conversations with other celebrities and sometimes they talk about their previous addict issues.

At the time of this writing all of these celebrities were in active recovery. As we know, things change all the time and some of them may not be currently in recovery depending on when you read this post. Hopefully they are, but we support anyones journey to and through recovery no matter how their stories may unfold.


If any other celebrities have inspired you in your journey through recovery, please share them below.