This is the third post in a four-part series with affirmations for the different parts of my life that I use. Affirmations can be a strong and beautiful way to remind yourself of your worth. Sometimes we need to remind ourselves that we are worth the life we are living.

I learned a lot about affirmations and how they can be incredibly helpful and supporting while in treatment. One thing I didn’t think of were the words I was using in my affirmations. I tend to say things like “I will not use today.” It sounds negative when you think about it. Your mind will attach to the words you say, and when you say things like that, the last thing your mind hears is “using”. I learned to replace some words and be more positive so that my mind is focusing on the good things instead. An example is, “I will stay clean today.” See the difference?! Your mind is then focusing on “clean.” It’s a small adjustment but you can make your affirmations more positive.

  1. I am not alone.
  2. I am loved.
  3. I am valued.
  4. I am queer enough.
  5. I am allowed to show my gender expression in any way I choose.
  6. I don’t need someone else’s approval to be queer.
  7. I am grateful for who I have become.
  8. I’m fully capable of setting boundaries.
  9. I am worthy of love from others.
  10. I deserve to take up space.
  11. People love me for who I am.
  12. My body is mine and is a temple.
  13. I’m glad I’m alive.
  14. I deserved to be listened to.
  15. I am not responsible for others discomfort of me.
  16. I do not have to allow people to treat me negatively.
  17. The world is a more beautiful place with me in it.
  18. I honor my feelings and where they take me.
  19. I am proud of me.
  20. I’m learning more positive things about myself every day.

If you have any queer oriented affirmations that you use regularly, please put them down in the comments.

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